

  • Prayer Meeting

    At our Wednesday night prayer meeting, we gather to lift up those on our prayer list, seeking God's guidance and healing in their lives. It's a time of collective faith, where we unite in prayer, believing in the power of God's love to bring comfort and strength to those in need.

    Led by Dr. Ronnie Cox every Wednesday in room E-142 at 6:00pm

  • Deep Dive Bible Study

    This semester we'll walk through Galatians as we deep dive the scripture together. 

    Teacher: James Garriss

    Every Wednesday at 6:00pm in room E-150 starting Jan 15th.

  • Re-Engage

    Sign Up Closed for the Spring Semester.

  • Luke in the Land

    Women's Bible study starting February 25th at 6 PM in Guest Services. We will study snapshots from the Gospel of Luke to see where the stories of the Bible took place. For 7 sessions, challenge the way you read the accounts of Jesus through teaching videos that take you to locations in Israel like Bethlehem, the Sea of Galilee, Gethsemane, Jerusalem, and the road to Emmaus. Along the way, you'll see how Jesus, the Messiah, brought His kingdom to earth for everybody.

    If you are interested in taking part in this Women's Bible Study, contact Hannah Shrout: email or call 864-209-0696


  • Student Small Groups

    Our 6th-12th grade small groups come together to dive deeper into their faith and build meaningful connections with their peers. It's a space where young hearts can explore biblical truths, share life experiences, and grow spiritually in a supportive community.

    Every Wednesday at 6:00pm.

  • The Weekend 2025

    March 14-16

  • Fuge Camp 2025

    June 30 - July 4


  • Kids MidWeek

    From 3k to 5th Grade we have MidWeek programing. Join us as we learn the 10 ways we are like Him.

    Every Wednesday from 6:00pm - 7:15pm


  • MomCo (MOPS) | i

    At MomCo we gather and support moms. We believe in the simple but revolutionary idea that remarkable things happen when moms come together. Find out more today.

  • Kids MidWeek

    From 3k to 5th Grade we have MidWeek programing. Join us as we learn the 10 ways God is different from us. 

    Every Wednesday from 6:00pm - 7:15pm

College and Young Adults